Roy, an undercover Detective for the Luna PD is caught up in a galactic conspiracy. Framed for a high profile murder, he must follow his only lead to Planet K-0. Known to many as Punch Planet, it is the central hub for the evil scum of the Universe. There, he will have to track down the real murderer and bring them back to his home world in an attempt to clear his name.
Planet K - 0, known to many as Punch Planet is the only remaining planet in Sector K. Once a relatively peaceful sector like any other, a century of war has pulverized the surrounding planets into nothing but an asteroid field. As the only remaining world, planet zero is host to a raging battle with no purpose or means to an end.
Most avoid the sector at all costs, but it has become a hub for the foolish, the brave, and scum of the galaxy. They all converge on Punch Planet and become known as "the living sea", a battle so multitudinous, those who dare venture there claim it can be seen from space. At the center of it all is an ancient, lonely structure from a lost civilization. In it's throne room sits the self proclaimed king of Punch Planet. A position in constant flux.
The native people of the planet, a culture of the finest warriors, still thrive in the vast, lush forests. They prey on the fools that venture to their planet, honing their skills targeting unsuspecting visitors. The collected heads of intruders is their only true form of currency.
Luna Station is the central hub for interplanetary travel inside Luna City. Run by the Galactic Agency, the ever-present Luna PD ensure no one gets off or on the planet without proper permits.
The Sugar Daddy, a retired Class-A Military Freighter is Cid's most prized possession. Featuring an armored hull and spacious cargo bay, Those familiar with its signature exterior know to steer clear.
Black Market District, the seedy underworld of Luna City, offers both equal parts entertainment and danger. Don't venture here unprepared and make sure you tip your bartender.
Crystal Desert is an unknown location and the home of Gat the Wizard
Planet K - 0, known to many as Punch Planet is the only remaining planet in Sector K. Once a relatively peaceful sector like any other, a century of war has pulverized the surrounding planets into nothing but an asteroid field. As the only remaining world, planet zero is host to a raging battle with no purpose or means to an end.
Throughout the Known Universe, one Political Organization rules supreme. Although the Galactic Agency helps keep many of the most populated Sectors safe from the scum of the galaxy, many people fear the Agency runs deep with corruption.
Only the best of the best make their way to the ranks of G-Agent. Armed with Cybernetic Armor, they are the long reaching arm of the Galactic Agency and are tasked with handling all Time Travel related crimes.
Galactic Civilization has reached new heights. With the introduction of Time Canceling Devices, users are able to travel through time! The technology is fairly new and limited, currently allowing travel up to 1 second into the past for small corrections to everyday problems. The devices come equipped with an auto fail safe which will disintegrate your former self preventing any possible time paradox.
Double time canceling
Jump time canceling
Absorb time canceling